banks & jobs notifications

Central Bank of India to recruit 850 Clerks - 2009 Notice

Central Bank of India invites applications from Indian citizens for appointment in Clerical Cadre post

Website link open: 14/02/2009

Closing date for online registration: 14/03/2009

Last date for receipt of application: 23/03/2009

Last date for receipt of application from far flung areas: 30/03/2009

Date of written examination: 24/05/2009

Candidates are requested to apply online through website:

No other means/mode of application will be accepted.

For detailed instructions, eligibility criteria, educational qualification and other details check out Central Bank of India Clerical Recruitment

Engineers India Limited want Management Trainees

Engineers India Limited, 1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Exciting and Challenging Career for Fresh Engineers

Engineers India Limited, a premier engineering consultancy organization executing projects on conventional and Lump-Sum Turnkey basis in the fields of refineries, petrochemicals, pipelines, offshore, metallurgy, infrastructure, fertilizers etc., is looking for young, energetic and ambitious professionals.

As “Management Trainee”: For Engineering Graduate (2008 pass-outs or passing out in mid 2009)
As “Engineer”: For M.E./M.Tech/M.Sc. (Engg) (Passing out in 2009)

Post: Management Trainee
Qualification: B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg) with minimum 65% marks
Upper Age Limit*: 25 Years (as on 01.07.2009)
Selection Process: Written test & Interview

Post: Engineer
Qualification: M.E./M.Tech/M.Sc (Engg.) with minimum 65% marks both in B.Tech & M. Tech
Upper Age Limit*: 27 Years (as on 01.07.2009)
Selection Process: Interview

*Relaxation in upper age limit by 5 years for SC/ST/Persons with Disability and 3 years for OBC (non creamy layer) candidates.

For online application and other details visit EIL website

The last date for online registration is 07.02.2009

Engineers India Limited, 1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Join Armed Forces Medical Services as Short

Service Commissioned Nursing Officer in Military

Nursing Service (MNS): Vacancies – 100

1. Applications are invited from female candidates who have passed BSc (Nursing)/Post Certificate BSc (Nursing), in not more than one attempt or MSc (Nursing), for grant of Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service as Nursing Officers.

2. Nationality: Must be a citizen of India (both, Applicant and Spouse, if married).

3. Qualification: A candidate must (a) Possess BSc (Nursing)/Post Certificate BSc (Nursing)/MSc (Nursing) qualification from INC recognized University. (b) Be registered, as State Registered Nurse and Midwife from State Nursing Council.

4. Age Limit: The candidate must complete 21 years and should not be more than 35 years of age as on 30 May 2009.

5. Medical Standards: Applicants must be medically fit. The physical fitness of selected candidates will be finally determined by a Medical Board under arrangements made by the office of DGAFMS.

6. Method of Selection: Eligible candidates will be called for a written test to be conducted at Base Hospital Delhi Cantt in the 3rd Week of April 2009. Based on the merit in the written test, the required number of qualified candidates will be called for interview followed by Medical Examination. Total process may take 3-4 days. The candidates called for interview will be paid Sleeper class Railway fare from the place of residence to the place of examination centre and back as per AI 17/96 amended from time to time.

7. Marital status: Unmarried/Married/Divorcee/Widow.

8. Employability: Candidates selected for grant of SSC in MNS will be liable to serve for five years extendable to fourteen (5+5+4) years, anywhere in India in the same way as Military Nursing Service (Regular) Officers in any branch of the Armed Forces i.e. Army, Navy and Air Force.

9. Emoluments: Registered Nurses as State Registered Nurse and State Registered Midwife on commissioning in the Military Nursing Service will be granted and rank of Lieutenant. The pay & emoluments as applicable to the Central Govt pay scale. Entitled ration, accommodation and allied facilities are also available.

10. Promotion: (a) Short Service Commission Nursing Officers: Promotion of Short Service Commission Nursing officers is as under:-
Lieut – On entry
Capt – 5 years of reckonable commissioned service
Maj – 12 years of reckonable commissioned service

(b) Permanent Commission Nursing Officers: Promotion for Permanent Commission Nursing Officers is as uner:-
Lieut – On entry
Capt – 5 years of reckonable commissioned service
Maj – 12 years of reckonable commissioned service
Lt Col – By selection (Lt Col time scale – after 20 years of reckonable commissioned service)
Col – By selection
Brig – By selection
Maj Gen – By selection

Note: Nursing Officers with B.Sc (Nursing) qualification are eligible for one year antedate seniority and Nursing Officers with M.Sc (Nursing) qualification are eligible for two years antedate seniority from the date of commission as per rules.

11. Permanent Commission: SSC Officers of the MNS will be considered for grant of permanent commission as per existing rules as amended from time to time. They will be considered for Permanent Commission subject to availability of vacancies in Military Nursing Service and after qualifying in the interview by a duly constituted Selection Board.

12. How to apply: (a) Apply on A4 size paper as per the format given in the advertisement (To be typed in capital letters) (b) Application received in this office after the last date will not be accepted. (c) Applications submitted on newspaper cutting or its photocopy will not be accepted.

13. Last date: Application on a A4 size paper should reach Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), Additional General’s Branch, Dte Gen of Medical Services (Army)/DGMS-4B, Room No 45, ‘L’ Block Hutments, New Delhi-110 001 latest by 1300 hrs on 20 March 2009. Office will not be responsible for any postal delay.

Corporation Bank to recruit 425 clerks - advertisement out

Come 2009 and Public Sector banks are on a Recruitment Spree. The latest is from Corporation bank who plans to recruit 425 clerks for Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra , Karnataka and Tamilnadu.

Examination Centers -
Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Panjim, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Mangalore, Bangalore, Hassan, Hubli, Belgaum,Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Coimbatore

Online application process starts today. i.e., Feb. 7, 2009 and the last date for online submission of application forms is March 21, 2009

The Written test for Corporation Bank Clerical Recruitment is May 3, 2009

More info on Corporation Bank Clerical Recruitment 2009

anu second year old c++ papers


1. a) what is object oriented programming? Explain how data and functions in an object oriented programming.
b) Explain:
a)member dereferencing operators.
b) Memory management operators.
2. a) write a program to print a table of values of the function y for Ax varying from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.1.
b) a) how do you create a new abstract data type?
b) Explain unformatted I/O operations.
3. a) what is an array of objects?lllustrate the of object arrays.
b) Explain:
i) Pointers to members
ii) Dynamic arrays
4. a)how do you make a private member inheritable? Explain multiple inheritance with a sutable example.
b) Explain the concept of linked and show how it is used.
5. a) explain the linked implementation of stacks.
b) explain insert, delete operations for lists and write the routines.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)SSS
6. Explain a method for specifying an ADT.
7. Explain width () and precision () functions with suitable examples.
8. Define operator overloading. Write a program to overload the unary minus operator.
9. What is recursion? Explain.
10. What are the advantages of representing a queue by a linked list?
11. Write routines for the primitive operations where a graph is described by its adjacency matrix.

PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. What is data encapsulation?
13. What is dynamic initialization?
14. Write the general form of a member function definition.
15. How an overloaded operator function is invoked?
16. Define a derived class.
17. What is the use of object pointers?
18. What does polymorphism mean?
19. Explain cin and cout.
20. What is a null pointer?
21. Define a graph. Give two applications of graph.

--------------------------------MARCH----2008 PAPER -------------------------------------------
Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. A) explain: I)reference variables
ii) Operators in c++.
b) Explain: I) call by reference
ii) Return by reference and
iii) in line functions
2. A) What is a friend function? What are the merits and demerits of using friend function?
B) Explain the I/O system in c++.
3. A) explain ‘array of objects’. Illustrate the use of object arrays.
B) Explain: I) passing pointers to a function
Ii) Array of pointers with suitable examples

4. a) explain class templates and function templates with suitable examples.
b) Explain different forms of inherence with suitable examples.
5. a) explain the tree methods traversal methods with their routines.
b) Write algorithms for depth first search and breathe first search methods.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. What is objected oriented programming? What are its advantages?
7. What are the different ways of defining member functions? Explain with suitable program examples.
8. Explain dynamic initialization of objects.
9. Explain how dynamic variables can be used to important linked lists.
10. Write a routine for insert operation in the case where a graph is described by its adjacency matrix.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. What is meant by dynamic binding?
13. What are memory management operations?
14. What do you mean by overloading of a function?
15. What are objects? How are they created?
16. What is recursion?
17. What is meant by compile time polymorphism?
18. What are abstract base classes?
19. What is the role of file() function?
20. How do you represent stack as an ADT?
21. What is an adjacency list?

-----------------------------------JULY---2007 PAPER----------------------------------
Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)

1. a) What is the difference between recursion and iteration? Explain with example.
b) Implement queue using
i) arrays ii)linked list
2. a) write difference between single linked list and a double linked list.
b) write an algorithm for prim’s minimal spanning tree.
3. a) what are the command-line arguments? Explain their use with the help of an example.
b) explain templates and exception handling in c++ with examples.
4. a) describe array of classes and pointer to objects.
b) explain polymorphism and dynamic binding .
5. a) write short notes on public, protected and private.
b) what is meant by operator overloading? Write a program to overload comparison operator.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. write a program to perform multiplication of two matrices.
7. how do the while loop varies do while loop? Discuss the break, continue statements.
8. what is a circular linked list? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
9. what are the applications of binary tree?
10. write an algorithm for depth first search.
11. discuss about friend function with an examples.

PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. what is late binding?
13. what is polymorphism?
14. what is a graph?
15. define time complexity.
16. what is an abstract vbase class?
17. what is type casting?
18. write about scope resolution operator.
19. what is a macro?
2.. what is a virtual base class?
21. write about union.

-------------------------------------MARCH---2007 PAPER----------------------------------
Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. what are the principles of object oriented programming languages? Discuss the advantages over structured programming languages.
2. a) What is an array in c++? Explain with examples.
b) Explain the visibility modes for different members of base class in derived classes with help of examples.
3. a) what is a list and write a program for insertion and deletion of a element in single linked list?
b) Design an algorithm to implement a deque using an array.
4. a) write a recursive algorithm to generate a fibonacci sequence upto the nth term,where n is any integer.
b) write a recursive function to print post-order traversal of a binary tree.
5. a) write an algorithm to implement the bubble sort and the following list in ascending order using bubble sort:13,24,5,19,2,17,4.
b) what is the average run-time complexity of bubble sort?
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. explain the virtual function with an example.
7. explain the height balanced tree.
8. discuss the process of binary search. Write an algorithm to perform the same.
9. eaplain the default parameter passing in c++ with an example.
10. what short notes on adjacency matrix.
11. what is a stack? Write any two application of stacks.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. what is a pointer?
13. what is memory management operator?
14. define priority queues
15.explain garbage collection
16.explain hashing
17.what is a graph
18.what is a base class
19.explain templates in c++
20.explain call by value
21.what is type casting ?

Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. a) what is operator over loading ? write a program to over load unary operator using friend function .
b) give the difference between structers and classes .
2.a)what are the control structers in c++ ? explain with example
b)write a program in c++ to multiply 2 matrices .
3 .a) what is a double linked list and write the procedures for insertion and deletion of an element in double linked list
b)what is a circular linked list ? what are its advantages /disadvantages over a singlw linked list ?
4. a)what is a binary tree ? give the algorithm for traversing a binary tree in pre-order .
b)construct a binary tree where pre-order is EFGHIJ and in-order is JHIGFE.
5. a) define adjacency matrix and give warshall algorithm.
b) give an algorithm for depth first search.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. discuss friend function with example.
7. explain in-line function.
8. implement operation of a stack.
9. write a procedure for breath first search.
10. write an operation of a queue.
11. what is a circlar queue? Give the procedure for deletion in a circular queue.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. templates in c++.
13. overloading.
14. polymorphism.
15. copy constructor.
16. generic function.
17. virtual function.
18. base class.
19. ADT.
20. Recursion.
21. Binary search tree.
--------------------------------------MARCH---2006 PAPER-------------------------------

Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. a) What is a pointer? How the pointer variables are defined in car queue.algorthm,n-order is JHIGFE.deletion of an element in double linked list++? what are the operations that are used on pointers?
b) Write a program to search an element in a list using any searching technique.
2. a) what is polymorphism ? Explain with runtime polymorphism with example.
b) Write a program to sort the given list of number using bubble sort.
3. a) what is a linked list ? Give the stack implementation using linked list.
b) Write an algorithm for addition of 2 polynomial.
4. a) give the recursive tree traversing algorithm for binary tree.
b) Give the in order, pre order sequence for PQRSTUMVMA, QRPTSVUMA.
5. a) what is a graph? Define a cyclic graph and explain the methods used to represent a graph.
b) Give the difference between binary tree search trees.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. Write a program in c++ to count the number of words in a text.
7. Write a short note on encapsulation.
8. Explain virtual base class with example.
9. Write the procedure for DFS.
10. Write the operations to implement a queue.
11. Explain the templates in c++.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. Logical operator in c++.
13. Overloading.
14. derived class.
15. ADT.
16. Recursion.
17. Base class.
18. out degree of a node in graph.
19. Complete binary tree.
20. Copy constructer.
21. Stack.
------------------------------------JUNE---2005 PAPER--------------------------------------
Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. a) What are the data types in c++? Explain with examples.
B) How are relational operators represented in c++? Give examples.
2. a) describe the string operations of the standard class of c++ with examples.
b) Write a program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.
3. a) what are the rules to be followed on overloading operations?
b) Create a class MAT of size m x n . Define all possible matrix operations for MAT type objects.
4. a) define linear queue as an ADT and implement the operations on queues using arrays.
b) Write a procedure to count the number of elements in a queue.
5. a) define a binary tree and explain various representations of a binary tree.
b) Write a procedure to count the leaf nodes of a binary tree.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. What are the various types of inheritance possible in c++? Explain with examples.
7. What is a file mode? Describe the various file mode options available in c++.
8. Write a program that reads a text file and creates another file that is identical except that every sequence of consecutive blank space is replaced by a single space.
9. Write short notes on exception handling in c++.
10. Write an algorithm for traversing a binary tree in post order.
11. Construct the binary tree whose preorder sequence is A B C D E F G H I and with the in order sequence is B C A E D G F I.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. virual base class.
13. polymorphism.
14. operator overloading.
15. encapsulation.
16. difference between a while statement and a do- while statement.
17. call by value parameter mechanism.
18. the types of the streams cin and cout.
19. friend functions.
20. adjacency matrix of a graph.
21. stack
----------------------------------------MARCH---2005 PAPER------------------------------
Time: 3 hours maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (3*20=60 marks)
(Answer any three questions)
1. a) How are pointer variables defined in c++ ? What are the operators that are used on pointers?
b) Write a program to sort a set of n numbers in ascending order using any sorting algorithm.
2. a) what are the control structures in c++? Explain with examples.
b) Write a program in c++ to multiply two matrices.
3. a) what is a linked list and write procedures for inserting and deleting an element in a linked list.
b) Write an algorithm to multiply two spaces polynomials represented by single lnked list.
4. a) write an algorithm for traversing a binary tree in post order.
b) Construct the binary tree whose pre order sequence is A B C D E F G H I and with the in order sequence is B C A E D G H F I.
5. a) what are the methods used to represent a graph ? Explain.
b) What is difference a graph and a tree? Explain.
PART---B (4*5=20 marks)
(Answer any four questions.)
6. Write a program in c++ to count the number words in a given text.
7. Write short notes on friend functions in c++.
8. Implement the operations on stacks.
9. Write a procedure to find the number of elements of a queue.
10. Write a procedure for depth first search.
11. How many null pointers will be there in the linked representation of a binary tree having n nodes ? justify your answer.
PART---C (10*2=20 marks)
(Answer all questions)
12. Templates in c++.
13. Overloading.
14. Polymorphism.
15. Encapsulation.
16. Logical operations in c++.
17. ADT.
18. Recursion.
19. derived class.
20. in degree of a node in a graph.
21. Binary search tree.